We’ve audited many websites over the years. During that time, we’ve seen many companies make the same mistakes.
Today we'll look at five common ones we see: not having a mobile-friendly site, not keeping the site up to date, having walls of text, not having a contact form, and not displaying their credentials.
Unfortunately, there’s no way to provide 100% complete protection from hackers and spammers. But don’t despair, that’s no reason to throw out all the computers and go back to paper and pencil. There are recommended best practices for businesses to follow that can help better protect your network, your Windows devices, and your business-critical data.
Our office will be closed on the following dates in observance of the holidays. Emergency support will be available on these dates via phone and remotely over the Internet. All non-emergency topics will be addressed on our next regular business day.
WordPress began as a humble website blogging tool but evolved into one of the most popular website development platforms and Content Management Systems (CMS) on the market.
The ability to create a website with little to no programming knowledge quickly made WordPress popular. This was especially true among amateur website enthusiasts and marketing agencies with little to no website development experience.
Have you ever received a bill for your domain name and wondered if it was real?
You’ve decided it’s time for a new website. You've narrowed down your choices to a short list of web development vendors to call. Unfortunately, you’re not sure what questions to ask. Don’t worry, here are 5 questions to get the conversation started.
Educate your staff how to recognize a phishing attempt (ie. fake email or fake website).
It’s one of the best and cheapest methods to defend your office from hacking and virus infection.
“Bias against gun culture exists, especially online,” said Hunter Elliott, owner of RangeHot.com, The Internet Gun Review Magazine. Hunter experienced this personally, when a large, well-known hosting company refused to provide technical support due to its firearms-related content of his website. Hear in Hunter’s own words how our 2A Friendly Marketing initiative was able to help him.
Are you taking the proper steps to maintain and protect your firearms related website? Here are seven steps we recommend to better protect your website.